2016 Projects
Fall 2016 It’s My Park Day – Success!
Posted on November 7, 2016 by denman82
At 9am on Saturday, November 5, over 50 volunteers gathered at Brentwood Park to participate in the fifth fall workday organized by Friends of Brentwood Park and the first Fall It’s My Park Day sponsored by Austin Parks Foundation and Austin Parks and Recreation.
In addition to friends and neighbors, we especially appreciated the assistance and support from the Royal Rangers, which sent 15 active youth members and five adult supervisors to help out. We are also grateful to Genuine Joe Coffee, Dia’s Market, and Eldorado Cafe for their donation of caffeine, cold drinks, and tacos and to Austin Parks Foundation for providing tools.
Volunteers contributed over 150 hours worth of labor and performed much needed repairs and maintenance at Brentwood Park. Projects included:
Mulching: Mulch reduces soil compaction, adds nutrients, and helps maintain moisture around trees. We mulch every workday as a way to maintain tree health in Brentwood Park. This year, volunteers distributed 20 cubic yards of mulch to approximately 20 trees in the southwest area of the park, including the large heritage oak next to the pool.
Flower Beds: We now have four flower beds in the park: at the entry sign, at the purple martin house, at the pool, and at the Shelton Memorial bench! Volunteers weeded and mulched each of the beds, and Shelton family members came in from out of town to help maintain the bed at the memorial bench.
Volleyball Court: Dave Shulder continued his tradition leading a group of volunteers to pull bermuda grass from the volleyball court. It was too wet to sift sand, but that will be on the list for the spring.
Thank you to the dozens of volunteers who came out to make it all happen!
Over the next few months, we will be planning for It’s My Park Day 2017, scheduled for March 4, 2017. Led by Nancy Barnard, we will also be working on upgrades to Brentwood Park’s well-used playground.
Please step forward if you have an idea for a project, would like to lead a work group, or are otherwise interested in helping with the park.
We hope you will enjoy your visits to the park even more as a result of this labor of love, and we hope you can join us for future events and workdays in Brentwood Park!
2016 Fall It’s My Park Day!
Posted on September 16, 2016 by denman82
Calling All Park Lovers!
It’s My Park Day (IMPD), Fall 2016 is scheduled for Saturday, November 5th and is a great opportunity to get outside, give Brentwood Park some love, and meet your neighbors. IMPD is a city-wide service day organized by Austin Parks Foundation and Austin Parks and Recreation and sponsored by many local businesses.
Friends of Brentwood Park (FOBP) has organized projects and neighbors for IMPD at Brentwood Park each year since 2010. Although FOBP has organized past workdays in the fall, 2016 is the first year an official Fall IMPD is being held by Austin Parks Foundation and the City, and we are very grateful for their support. Genuine Joe Coffeehouse and Tacodeli have also supported Brentwood Park projects every year; thank them if you get the chance!
Over the next month, FOBP will be sending out emails with information about projects for this year’s IMPD and about how to register and what to bring. Information will also be available through our facebook page and through our website (http://friendsofbrentwoodpark.org/). If you would like to get involved with FOBP’s leadership team, please let us know. We can be reached through our group email address: friendsofbrentwoodpark@gmail.com
(Edit 10/6/16): Registration is live! Go to https://austinparks.givepulse.com/event/25741-Brentwood-Park-TLC-Fall-2016 to sign up!
It’s My Park Day 2016 – Thank you!
Posted on March 9, 2016 by denman82
Thank you so much to everyone who came out on Saturday morning for It’s My Park Day! We spread a record amount of mulch (40 cubic yards), cleaned up the flower beds and volleyball court, and even finished ahead of schedule.
A special thanks to the Shelton family and volunteers who stayed late to help with a new flower bed installation at the Shelton memorial bench and to Marie Taylor, who put the project together and worked with PARD to get approval. Stop by and take a look when you get the chance.
Thank you also to Tacodeli and Genuine Joe Coffeehouse for getting us kick-started with tacos and coffee and to Wheatsville Co-op for providing snacks.
Finally, thank you to Kent Samuelson (www.lightcrafters.com/) for taking some great photos! See
here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/85977354@N06/sets/72157664954423780/