Brentwood Park Master Plan

2011 Brentwood Park Master Plan • Final

Posted on October 30, 2011 by denman82

Thank you all so much for participating in the survey and workshops and for giving feedback about Brentwood Park. We compiled all of your input into the Brentwood Park Master Plan.

You can download the Brentwood Park Master Plan document here. (Note: This will open a Google document. Go to File >> ‘download original’ to download. File size is 6MB.)

The document can also be downloaded directly in three pieces:

Brentwood Park Master Plan_text

Brentwood Park Master Plan Appendix A

Brentwood Park Master Plan Appendix B

Brentwood Park survey results can be viewed here.

Although the master plan is too detailed to serve as the “official” Austin Parks and Recreation plan for Brentwood Park, the planning process was conducted in close coordination with PARD staff, and they have a copy of this plan on file. PARD is in the process of producing a more generalized version of our planning map to document residents’ desired use areas for the park. According to our PARD contact, it won’t show, for example, the exact route for a trail that loops around the park, but it will show the desire for a trail (which could eventually turn into city funding to help build a trail). Once we have PARD’s map, we will add it to the website and include it in the master plan.

This master plan will be used for: grant applications, coordination between future projects, building an institutional memory about needed fixes and improvements, and, as the plan evolves, documenting the history of the park.

We welcome additional volunteers to work on any of the projects listed in the plan, brainstorm new ideas for the park, and come to workdays, help with fundraising, etc. Please feel free to join us to work on improving Brentwood Park!

Brentwood Park Concept Plan Vote

Posted on August 24, 2011 by denman82

The Brentwood Park Concept Plan Vote is now closed, and Map #4 generated the most votes.

Thank you everyone for your feedback! Although Map #4 won the vote and will serve as the baseline for planning, a number of opinions and concerns were expressed that will guide individual projects. Keep an eye on the website for a presentation of compiled planning documents and map feedback.

Don’t need an explanation, just want to vote? CLICK HERE

The following four maps were created by Brentwood and Crestview residents at the Brentwood Park planning workshops held on Saturday, August 6 and Thursday, August 11, 2011. Map 4 is a “best of” map which includes those items that had the most support on Maps 1-3. Workshop participants used the results of the Brentwood Park Survey to guide planning efforts and added a couple of new, creative ideas (e.g. Purple Martin Houses!).

The winning map will be used in combination with the survey responses by Friends of Brentwood Park to guide future grant applications and park improvement efforts. The Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) will also take the winning map and use it to create a “community vision map” for Brentwood Park. That map will focus on use areas rather than specific infrastructure improvements and will help PARD prioritize projects that have community support.

While this planning process gives park users the opportunity to think about what they would like for the future of the park, no individual project can go forward without its own approval process. To occur, each project must include a demonstration of neighborhood support (through public meetings, volunteer efforts, and fund raising) and PARD review.

The Brentwood Park master plan is expected to evolve over time with updates made approximately every 5 years to reflect the impact of completed improvements and the changing nature of the community.

Questions/comments regarding the planning process can go to or 222-FOBP (222-3627) or Gregory Montes (; 512-974-9458), who is the PARD coordinator for the park planning process.

Please look at the maps, vote for your preferred version, and if you wish, leave comments related to the map you chose (e.g. “I voted for #3, but I liked the location of the trail on #2 better”). Note that current city policy makes a dog park in Brentwood Park infeasible because of buffer requirements from other activities. More information on dogs in Brentwood Park is located under Park Information.

Map 4 is considered a “best of” map that includes those items on Maps 1-3 that have the most support. Maintenance and other non-infrastructure projects are not included on the maps. They are included in the Brentwood Park Survey and will be part of future park workdays.

Click on thumbnail image to see larger version and map numbers.

Which map version do you prefer?

  • #4 (55%, 59 Votes)

  • #2 (20%, 22 Votes)

  • #3 (13%, 14 Votes)

  • #1 (12%, 13 Votes)

Total Voters: 108

Brentwood Park Survey Results

Posted on August 20, 2011 by denman82

The survey is closed, and final survey results are available! Download here:

Summarized Results (PDF)

Tabulated Data (.xls)

Raw Data (identifiers removed; .xls)

Although the survey is closed, we appreciate any additional feedback made through the original survey form or by email.

Original Survey – Please download and email to

Master Planning Workshops Summer 2011

Posted on July 9, 2011 by admin

We have received over 200 responses to the Brentwood Park survey – thank you for your feedback! If you missed the opportunity to fill out the survey online, please feel free to email or call 512-222-FOBP (3627) to get a PDF or paper copy of the survey or leave general comments. Questions/comments can also go to Gregory Montes (; 512-974-9458), who is the PARD coordinator for the park plan. All responses received before the end of the planning process (anticipated September 15, 2011) will be included in the final survey tabulations, and comments will be included in the planning process as they are received.

The next stage in the Brentwood Park planning process is workshops to discuss how proposed infrastructure improvements should be integrated into a long-term plan for the park. Two identical workshops will be held, one on the weekend and one during the week to make it easy for as many people as possible to attend:

Workshop #1: Saturday, August 6, 1pm – 2pm at Brentwood Elementary

Workshop #2: Thursday, August 11, 7pm – 8pm at Brentwood Elementary

The purpose of the workshops will be to create alternative layouts for future park improvements. For example, where would additional playground equipment go? Where should additional flower beds go? Trails?

After workshop participants have created various alternatives for the park, the community will have the opportunity to vote on their preferred layout online and through a final public meeting.

All meetings will be conducted using guidelines from Austin Parks and Recreation and layout options proposed by workshop attendees will be located both on the FOBP website and on the PARD website. Paper copies will also be located in the display case at Crestview Minimart IGA.

While this planning process gives park users the opportunity to think about what they would like for the future of the park, no individual project can go forward without its own approval process. To occur, each project must include a demonstration of neighborhood support (through public meetings, volunteer efforts, and fund raising) and PARD review.

The Brentwood Park master plan is expected to evolve over time with updates made approximately every 5 years to reflect the impact of completed improvements and the changing nature of the community.